Nyanga High showcases the “Covid Way”

Nyanga High showcases the “Covid Way”


Nyanga High School in Ngcobo, Eastern Cape, is a well-managed school. It achieves above 90% Matric pass rates every year. It produces learners who win provincial and national top achiever accolades. It is a school that has consistently debunked the myth that rural schools with limited resources can never match their well-resourced counterparts in the more affluent areas.

The Khulile Qamata-led school has once more displayed that where there is visionary leadership magic happens. Whilst the Department of Basic Education grapples with a messy procurement process which forced it to postpone re-opening of schools from the initial 1 June to 8 June, a date yet to be cast in concrete as some education districts are struggling to supply Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for learners and educators, Qamata utilised the meagre resources at the school to ensure that his staff and learners were ready for classes on 1 June.

The Department has thus far only managed to deliver PPE for staff and nothing yet for learners. Instead of lamenting the delays, Headmaster Qamata, his School Management Team and the School Governing Body took a decision to procure their own.

Tuition started as planned, with learners and educators wearing masks and face shields, desks set up the “Covid Way” to ensure social distancing. Nyanga has 209 learners in Grade 12, taught by 47 educators.

“All the learners are staying at the hostel. It’s capacity is 412 so it has been easy to ensure social distancing for the learners even inside the dormitories”, said a proud Qamata speaking exclusively to HotNews.

Asked what special arrangements have been made for catering, Qamata had this to say: “The dining hall has been re-arranged to ensure social distancing. The catering company in charge of meals has provided PPE for the cooks, fumigation of hostel, kitchen, dining hall and classrooms at no cost to the school. Orientation was done”.

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